What is case management at Boonah SHS?
Case Management is a collaborative process where a teacher-case manager leads a repeated cycle which develops, monitors, communicates and evaluates a plan of action, including supportive care, to enable students with support needs to overcome challenges and enhance engagement and outcomes (based loosely around the definition provided in a report by Terry De Jong from Edith Cowan University 2006).
Key Principles underpinning case management at Boonah SHS
1. Every Student Succeeding - State School Strategy
Every Student Succeeding is the shared vision of Queensland state schools. Our vision shapes regional and school planning to ensure every student receives the support needed to belong to the school community, engage purposefully in learning and experience academic success. At Boonah SHS, this translates to a vision of
"Every student succeeding, every day, so that they can lead a life of choice, not chance"
2. Inclusive Education Policy
Inclusive education means that students can access and fully participate in learning, alongside their similar-aged peers, supported by reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to meet their individual needs. Inclusion is embedded in all aspects of school life and is supported by culture, policies and every day practices (inclusive education policy).
The principles of both of these policies are embedded throughout this handbook.
Why do we case manage at Boonah SHS?
We have high expectations of all students, recognising that, with the right support, all students can succeed.
We believe that young people, from all social, cultural, community and family backgrounds and of all identities and all abilities can succeed, but that some students needed added support to achieve this and at Boonah SHS, case management is one form of more intensive support (adapted from the 'Every Student Succeeding' policy).
Our ultimate goal for case management is that it results in positive outcomes and success for the student. What positive outcomes and success looks like, has different definitions for different students. For some students, success may be lifting an effort or behaviour grade, for other students it may mean an increase in attendance or even the achievement of a traineeship.
For staff, case management allows teachers to build deep, meaningful relationships with students and provide teachers with opportunities to share in student successes while developing their knowledge of diverse learning needs. By having a variety of staff across staffrooms case manage, it is hoped that the staffrooms will be engaged by the energy, positivity and success of the case managers and their students.
What are the goals of case management at Boonah SHS
The goals of case management for students are (by and large) the goals of DoE, as outlined in the Every Student Succeeding State School Strategy:
• Improve academic achievement for students / Lift the performance of our top students
• Improve Year 12 certification rates
• Close the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
• Improve the participation and achievement of students with disability
• Enhance the learning opportunities of rural and remote students
For case managers, the goals are:
- For staff to build meaningful relationships with students and parents
- For staff to celebrate the success that their students are experiencing
- For staff to build knowledge of diverse learning needs and the how teachers can meet these needs
- For staff to develop deep knowledge of the curriculum area including achievement standards at different year levels
Who is case managed at Boonah SHS?
Students with diverse learning needs are case managed!
How are students referred for case management and how are they removed from case management?
- Students are referred through the Student Services Committee. This means that any staff member can make a referral to this committee (consisting of HoD-Student Services, HoD-Student Inclusion, Guidance Officer, and Deputy Principals).
- Students will be added to the list as a potential case management student and their data examined. If it's determined that case management is the right fit, an overall goal of the program will be determined (e.g. lift academic performance, provide social emotional support etc) and a fit will be made to a case manager.
- Students' names can be put forward at any time, but students may only be picked up formally at the start of a term because this will fit with when any students move to the monitoring phase of the program.
- Students may be attached to a case manager at any point during the term, if they enrol and are determined to need this support or if a space becomes vacant.
- At the start of each term, when case managers review the data, case managers will make recommendations about who should be removed from case management and why.
- These names are brought to the Student Services Committee and a decision is made to move students to the monitoring list.
- If it is agreed that this action should be taken, movement to the monitoring list means that case managers will not actively seek out and support the student, but are there to support the student, when the student comes to see them. The case manager will monitor the data and make recommendations, after a further term, if the student needs any further support or not.